Course Title
The course name should be referenced as The Medical-Dental-Legal Update or The Update when not referring to a specific course year. This reduces the number of places where the course name needs to be changed each year.
Refer to the course as The xxxx-xx Medical-Dental-Legal Update when the copy is year specific, such as the program description, course objectives, faculty, or destination.
The course name, no matter how it is referenced, should always be in italics.
Links to locations on our website should use the Action Button style
Links to other sites or that open in a new window (syllabus for example) should use the Arrow Link style
Links to video should use the Video link style This will show the video in a lightbox.
note that the example above is NOT a video link (would require a video embedded here - not worth the lift)
* DRV made an exception for the 2020-21 BIGS lift ticket link; uses Button, for consistency with other lift ticket buttons, although it opens in new window
Destinations, number of
Places on the website where the number of destinations is referenced as "over 40":
Home Page
- Slide bulleted text (twice for each slide; title and bullet)
- Under the Destination Icon
- Footer - appears on all pages
Destinations Page
Banner text
Course Objectives Page
- In the first sentence of the paragraph text
About AEI
- In the first section at the end of the 2nd paragraph and the beginning of the 3rd.
Course Title
Places on the website where the course title uses the year:
Program Description Page
- Section title
Course Objectives Page
- Body title
- Body text
Accreditation Page (this page needs regular update related to accreditation changes as well)
- Banner text
- Banner buttons
- Section titles
- Medical
- AAFP - name and dates of course
- PA
- Nursing
- PA
Faculty Page
- Section title
Destination Landing Pages (Course Block)
- Buttons in Course Blocks
About AEI
- 1st section, 2nd paragraph for end date
- 1st section 3rd paragraph for course name
Perks will be in this order, remove any that are not applicable: