Accredited CME, CLE & CE

Every Week. Every Location. Your Choice.

51 Premier Travel Destinations

Accredited CME, CLE & CE

Every Week. Every Location. Your Choice.

51 Premier Travel Destinations

How it works

Choose a Destination

Attend from one of over 50 premier travel destinations during your week of choice. It's never been easier to mix business and pleasure!

All Destinations

Courses & Schedules

Select either The Medical-Dental-Legal Update or The Dental Update and decide whether you would like to attend Monday-Friday or Thursday-Monday (during scheduled classroom hours).

Register Now

Attend from Your Hotel Room

Participate on your laptop during scheduled lecture hours with your peers—all from the comfort of your hotel room or condo.

Tuition Schedule

Tax Implications

Tuition and associated expenses are tax deductible if the primary purpose of your trip is to maintain or improve professional skills.

Find Out More

Accredited CME, CLE & CE

Where you want it, when you want it.

You practice in a dynamic and challenging environment and the need to keep professionally current on clinical as well as practice management and legal issues is obvious. The question is when? American Educational Institute has provided the answer since 1982. Every year, we offer over 5,000 oppor­tunities to get the continuing education you want and the credits you need – away from the distractions and tumult of your practice. Far away. Like in Hawaii, Aspen, Aruba or any of our over 50 other premier travel destinations.

There are two courses to choose from, The Medical-Dental-Legal Update and The Dental Update.  Both are offered during weekly, M-F and Th-M schedules, are uniquely curated, 20-hour surveys of a broad yet critical array of topics presented by national experts in dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacology, asset protection, psychology and practice management. They are produced in state-of-the-art studios using 4K digital technology and boast AMA PRA Category 1™, AAFP Prescribed, ABIM MOC, CLE and ADA CERP credit approval. 

Participate during conveniently scheduled lecture hours in the travel destination of your choice and in the real-time and interactive company of other participants but instead of viewing the program in a designated physical classroom you may now do so on your laptop from the comfort of your hotel room.  This is truly the best of all worlds, important continuing education in relaxed environments requiring no additional time away from your practice.

Critical CME, CE & CLE – where you want to go and when you want to go there. That's been AEI's hallmark since 1982. A dis­tinction validated by over 100,000 re­gistrations and the fact that over 98% of our students say that they'd recommend AEI to their colleagues.

If you've never studied with us before this must all sound a bit unusual. It is.

In your colleagues' words

"Great seminar!"
D.K, DDS, Bristol, TN
"Great program! Excellent balance in the syllabus which contains material for all specialities."
J.P, MD, Bundaberg South, QLD
"The course is very informative"
K.V, MD, Nacogdoches, TX
"I have been attending for the past 4 years and value this course"
D.T, MD, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
"All lectures excellent"
D.P, MD, Los Angeles, CA
"My first time attending – I enjoyed the variety of topics"
C.B., DDS, Saipan, MP
"Excellent. Great slides not too busy"
E.R, MD, Cincinnati, OH
"Very well organized, I'll recommend you to all my colleagues."
R.S, DDS, Franklin, MI
"Excellent instructor"
R.B, MD, Lafayette, IN
"Excellent topics and speakers"
J.G, MD, Marianna, FL
"Great lecture. Very relevant"
E.R, MD, Cincinnati, OH
"I enjoyed the course very much, attended all the sessions, and will encourage my friends to attend."
J.G, MD, Belton, TX
"No criticisms. Was an excellent format. Incredibly convenient"
S.E, MD, Apache Junction, AZ
"Great, informative course!"
J.M, DDS, Reno, NV
"Great quality presentations. Would recommend it to others."
E.V, MD, Merritt, B.C.
"We have always enjoyed and learned a lot from these talks"
K.V, MD, Nacogdoches, TX
"Great coverage, very informative to­pics"
S.B, Ashland, KY
"Excellent course"
S.G, MD, Larchmont, NY
"I enjoy the lectures! No changes"
J.R, MD, Atlanta, GA
"Thank you for having 3 lectures by Dr. Kuritzky. I think he is the most oustanding primary care lecturer I have ever heard and the main reason I come to the AEI courses."
J.B, MD, Cedar Rapids, IA
"Clinical papers, excellent, informative and up to date. Pharmacology update invaluable."
S.Y, MD, Vancouver, BC
"This is the best run CME program. I will come back next year."
J.P, MD, Cincinatti, OH
"It is soooo good to learn more stuff!"
K.V, MD, Nacogdoches, TX
"Great info relevant to any specialty!"
D.L., MD, Ontario, Canada
"This was an excellent course with timely information for my practice."
B.N, JD, Canton, OH
"Interesting talks. My 1st experience w/ AEI is a good one. I expect to be a repeat attendee."
M.S, MD, Elliot Lake, ON
"Great program! Very useful, practical information. Include many topics that are not taught in medical school."
S.K, MD, Hewlett, NY
"I enjoy the variety of the lectures"
Y.K, MD, Honolulu, HI
"Excellent as always"
A.S, MD, Sugarloaf, PA
"Course was great"
S.D, DDS, Raleigh, NC
"Each year I learn something new to use in my practice"
D.T, MD, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
"Thanks for providing CME at great locations, year round. Great presentations, practical, covering a wide range of topics."
C.K, MD, Corpus Christi, TX
"I did enjoy the course."
C.P, PAC, Shorewood, WI
"Overall lectures were clear and high quality"
E.S, MD, Denver, CO
"I feel legal issues were well covered"
D.S, MD, Avon, IN
"Great course"
V.C, MD, Ocean Springs, MS
"The course is enlightening."
K.M, Brisbane City, QLD
"Good pragram, excellent facilitator. I come back every year"
C.E, MD, Lexington, KY
"Excellent program – learned a lot!"
A.H, MD, Morgantown, WV
"AEI seminar set up was ideal! Related environment was cohesive to learning"
S.B, Ashland, KY
"Good course. Informative."
R.M, DDS, Hammond, LA
"Tremendou­sly helpful"
E.B, MD, Greenville, SC
"I have taken course many times and can't say enough about it."
L.P, MD, Wilmington, NC
"It was great!"
J.C, PharmD, Savannah, GA

Frequently Asked Questions

How exactly does the Destination-based Remote Classroom format work?

AEI’s new and unique destination-based, remote classroom format is designed to mimic the format and learning environment of a physical classroom. Indeed, we sometimes call it “the classroom without the classroom”. Similar to AEI’s tradi­tional physical classrooms with AEI’s destina­tion-based remote classrooms you will participate from the destination to which you’ve chosen to travel (within a 30 mile radius to be precise) during scheduled lecture hours. But, instead of viewing the course in the company of only those registered for the same destination that same week, you’ll now attend in the virtual and interactive company of everyone registered for all locations operating in the same time zone. This dramatically increases your opportunity for dialogue with other practitioners and, better still, lets you do so on your laptop or tablet from the safety and comfort of your hotel room or condominium.

While the traditional classroom model is quite good and has served us all very well, AEI’s new destination-based virtual classroom model is even better offering total COVID-safety, comfort, convenience and the opportunity for dialogue with many more colleagues from a variety of professional disciplines. Now you understand why we keep saying, “the best way to mix business with pleasure just got better.”

More About AEI'S Destination-Based, REMOTE ClassrooM FORMAT

Using the REMOTE Classroom FORMAT: A Tutorial

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Do I have to begin an AEI course on a Monday or Thursday?

Mon-Fri Schedule
Thu-Mon Schedule

No.  Whether you register for one of our Monday-Friday or Thursday-Monday courses you may begin any day during either 5-day schedule and carry over into its next occurrence if you like.

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Are AEI courses accredited?

You can earn the Continuing Medical, Dental, Legal Education credits you need while you hone your professional skills. American Educational Institute is an ACCME accredited sponsor and all courses are approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits as well as AAFP Prescribed Credit. American Educational Institute is also a ADA CERP Recognized Provider for CDE credit. CLE and CE credit is also available in many states.

CME + CLE Accreditation CDE Accreditation

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Are AEI's courses "live"?

AEI’s continuing education courses are produced in state-of-the-art production studios using 4K technology. While the course itself is a professional, studio shoot, it is presented to our learners via our Destination-based, Remote Classrooms which utilize a “live” classroom environment. It is not self-study. Rather, registrants may attend an AEI course only at travel destination at which AEI offers a classroom, only during scheduled lecture hours and always under the supervision of AEI staff. All learners participate in the virtual but interactive company of all other participants similarly registered for that same week to any classroom in the same time zone. Finally, many learners have commented that AEI’s pre-recorded format results in a superior educational experience to live activities in which they’ve participated.

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